So here we are at the beginning of 2014. Like every other year, I made some resolutions. I know many people do not make them knowing that they don't last anyway, but for me they have been good. I'm not one to often repeat myself, but you do get what you aim for. I make mine fun and relevant, and I give myself time to achieve my goals. Many people make resolutions and put so much pressure on themselves that if they slip up once, they give up altogether. Sometimes our goals are small and easily reached, other times slightly larger and need more time to fulfill. New Year's resolutions could be a great way to motivate you to do the things you always wanted to do, so I approach New Year's resolutions with serious intent, but also with a fair bit of woosa. I do not make more than a few, but I do see them through.
A few years ago I wanted to get a taste for some of life's finer things, so my resolution was to become a wannabe-connoisseur. I built a collection of fine whiskies and became familiar with the processes involved. I quite enjoyed that one. Another year wanted to become more 'real' with myself and those close to me, so I deepened my friendships. As someone who keeps mostly to myself, this was a particularly challenging one and to be honest, I am still working on it years later.
This year, as all the other years, I have made some resolutions that will help me achieve some of the serious as well as the exciting goals in life.
- Fishing - I realized that I share a common interest in the Great Outdoors with some of my friends. We have been fishing and camping together, but this year I want to do more of that. I have set my goals to catch at least 4 species of local freshwater fish and set personal bests for them. This means more time next to the waters, of course.
- Compile an App - I want to compile an App. This will be my first venture of this kind. I want this done by March.
- Be more focused - I discovered my need to be more focused in life. I don't take too many things seriously as I do like the fun side of life, but I really need to spend much more time and energy on the things that really matter. This will hopefully overflow into all areas of my life.
- Business - I need my business to take off.
So there you go. A bit of fun and also some serious goals in life. Don't make New Year's resolutions more or less than what they are. Sometimes we need to set more goals than we normally do, especially if we do not take life seriously enough. Other times we need to set fewer goals as we tend to become too busy to really live life.
But sometimes we just need to add enough of a mix into our goal setting process to allow us enough time to reach the important ones, but also allow ourselves enough time to relax, enjoy the life we have been given and get ticking away on those bucket lists.
Happy New Year! May 2014 be filled with joy and happiness, close moments with loved ones and enough time and space to do those things we watch other people do on Facebook. God bless.