Friday, 20 December 2013

What does the fox say?

Oh, I hate this song! And I hate songs like it. This one has particularly gotten under my skin. I have only heard it about three times, but every time I hear the lyrics "what does the fox say" I automatically respond with the "ring-ding-ding-dick-ding-dering" that goes with it. Urrgh!

What has become of music over the years? In the 18th century we had classical music composed by the likes of Mozart, Bach and Handel. The two centuries after that gave us Blues and Jazz, and produced such wonderful artists such as BB King and Louis Armstrong. We saw the rise of Rock and legends such as The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and many others. But it has been in the last two decades the we saw the massive rise to fame of the meaningless and really pointless hits of entertainers who like to refer to themselves as artists.
I understand we all have our preferences, but geesh, do we really need so much mindless music doing the rounds? I believe the artists created this song as a comedy piece, so I can let this one slip, but one can only stomach so many songs that contain the words "my humps" and "Imma Imma bee".

There is, of course, room for this kind of music. I personally like my music as a mixture of emotionally laden cries for attention and some lighthearted fun in between, but even that gets a little intense after a while. One needs some music that does not address political and social issues or does not drive you to tears or anger. But only in small doses. J
The problem for me is not so much that songs like these exist, but rather how popular they are around the World. You see, in my perfect world, real musicians would earn the big bucks and these 'others' would be playing intimate little venues and street corners. It's not that I dislike them or wish their success away, but rather that real hardworking musicians who have become masters of their instruments should be at the top.
But that's my perfect world.

This is where my mind wanders a little. Why is it that great music is seldom celebrated? Why do songs like the one in question prove so popular among the peoples of the World? Why are people who can not sing, compose or produce so stinking rich? I have come up with two possible answers:

1. The rat race we live in requires so much of us that we need large quantities of this type of music to allow us to disconnect a little. So much is asked of us that we need to 'dumb down' in our spare time.

2. Maybe humanity is losing its great intellectual capacity. We are losing our ability to think for ourselves and rely more on the stimulating of our emotions than our great reasoning abilities. Now I am no rocket surgeon myself and I have not done any studies into this, but think for a moment about this statement and relate it to the topic at hand. From Mozart... to crotch grabbing! From great Jazz pieces telling entire stories without any lyrics... to songs containing the words 'woof' and 'ho' when describing women! From Louis Armstrong's "what a wonderful world" to "my humps, my humps, my humps, my humps". Did you know that Sting was voted the worst lyricist in the World? Huh? Seriously!?!

Looking at where we once were musically and where we find ourselves now, I can only conclude: Charles Darwin was wrong. We were not once apes who evolved into highly intelligent beings, we were once highly intelligent beings...